Middle Finger

Middle Finger

This blog is about writing things as it is, forget about other people's or your own genius! just write whatever that come to mind without any pre notion idea or care about syntax error or incomprehensible grammar or whatever just write what may!!

Tuesday, March 04, 2014


Abase is a word denoting an action of humiliating or degrading a person. The word however is not widely used and wouldn't be in many people's conscious vocabulary collections. Due to its uncommon usage, to apply this word in an everyday conversation would be deemed a tad peculiar.

Monday, March 03, 2014

I watched and I ponder, the bird's chirping sound can be faintly heard over the background of a still and silent morning. The fan was set to speed at maximum capacity. It is still a faintly dark morning and I have yet again fail to sleep like an ordinary human being.

Wednesday, February 05, 2014

This life of mine has no bearing to the ultimate eventuality of balance, this life of mine seems to be on auto pilot mode with no expectations of any kind. My life is filled with empty promises, instant gratifications and cheap cheap adrenaline rush activities. To be in a class of my own, to be profoundly stumped, to be astoundingly sound is pure hard work. I have limited vocabulary on life, I am blinded by my virtual nearsightedness.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Incessant rambling

Write away super hay said the headless scarecrow to the little boy hiding in fear behind a small mountain of rocks. He further lectured the scared little boy with needless wisdom on how a frail little boy should muster some courage in standing for himself, on how a small helpless boy like him should not be scared to something that was physically non existing like himself. The advise was of course, didn't bore any fruit.